
By Groggster

Salmon Fishing For A Jaguar

The light was so good again this morning that I felt I needed to get out to go looking (or fishing) for an image. I did have one in mind but this shot was originally just a back up in case I didn't get the image I wanted (I didn't).
We have a lot of car dealerships on the retail park just up the road including one for Jaguar named Guy Salmon - I apologise for the terrible pun of a title here and now!

On a much more important subject I was absolutely disgusted to here about the 1% pay offer to NHS staff by Bozo and his useless, dishonest and morally corrupt government. After all they have endured and the trauma they have suffered (including their patients and some of their colleagues losing their lives) during this pandemic they deserved so, so much more. This government has betrayed them.
This comes at the same time as Bozo has tried to set up a charity to pay for the ludicrously expensive redecoration of the flat at No.11 Downing Street and spent £2.6 million on a press briefing room.
On top of this a so called £4.8 billion "levelling up fund" set up by the government just happens to favour Tory seats.  Among 93 English regions placed in the priority group of three tiers to receive money from the fund, 31 are not in the top third most deprived places by average deprivation score. Of these 31, 26 are entirely represented by Conservative MP's, with the others having at least one Tory MP. This is political corruption by any other name.

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