
By ferryoons

Here be Dragons

A back blip for World Book Day, though isn't every day a book day?

We were discussing herbs to plant at the refurb house. Mrs Oons dug out her Culpeper's Herbal from 1651. She says she didn't buy it new but, given she knows everything, I sometimes wonder whether there wasn't a magic spell.

Here's a favourite page of mine. Nicholas Culpeper was an astrologer as well as botanist, herbalist and physician. So as you'll see (sorry, you have to squint)  the Plant is under the Dominion of Mars.

More to the point, Culpeper collated the science of herbal medicine. And you'll see Dragon makes great eyedrops, and is excellent good againft the Peftilence and Poyfons. Also, as Pliny affirms, no Serpent will meddle with him that carries this Herb about Him.

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