
By LeeAnne

Fly by...

I watched as a little plane tootled towards me this afternoon and when I saw the banner flying out behind it my first thought was ‘oh how lovely, I wonder if it’s a proposal or a happy occasion’.

Alas no. It was apparent that someone (with way too much money) thought flying some sort of attempted slur aimed at the First Minister suggesting ‘Resign Sturgeon #themajorityscot’ was a grown up thing to do. There are people using food banks...

Now I’m not Nicola’s biggest fan but I actually think she’s done a pretty good job during this pandemic and I certainly wouldn’t want to be in her shoes.

I really don’t like it when people with zero authority on stuff claim to speak for the majority. No. You really aren’t. I like to think the majority of people are kind. This was not kind. #bekind

On a cheerier note I had a call with a new client this afternoon and before I’ve even done the job for her she wants me to work for her regularly! We had a lovely unrelated chatter about where odd phrases come from. I like her. It’s really clear already that by being myself in my website means I’ll find the right sort of people. My sort of people. The kind, decent ones. They are the people I want to work with.

Kindness from people whom you’ve never actually met is a bit normal in blipland and again this was proven today in a lovely email chat with a fellow blipper. Good people are good.

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