New Wheels Please

Well I just got down the depot after being at Aberdeen and when I was passing the maintenance and Inspection sheds I noticed this MkIII coach "Jacked Up 2001" waiting for new bogies and wheelsets and this is my early morning blip as I have now picked up an additional overtime shift today working the 15:08 service to Leeds with a Voyager and back with the 19:05 HST from Leeds well someone has to do it so that was my relaxing Sunday up the spout but at least it let my collegue get the day off as he was out on the razzle tonight and wasn't wanting to drive today quite right too so happy to oblige my mate so another wee insight into life on the railway hope you are all watching the documetary on TV at the moment about the railways I was watching the part when the guy had to retrieve someones poor pet and the poor thing was frozen solid I know I shouldn't laugh but it reminded me of the sketch with Michael Palin and John Cleese and the dead Parrot yes we do have strange senses of humour on the railway but sometimes we need that to get us through the tough times but it was a shame for the family's pet that was hit by the train.oh well Another day Another Destiny

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