
By WhiskyFoxtrot

I had a lovely, slow day today. Lazed around the house all morning. I really like our flat and don't spend enough time in it so I try to appreciate the times when I am here.

I eventually went to a friend's house to learn how to play Scrabble. I'm not sure how I've spent a pretty good childhood and an adult life of reading, writing and communicating without playing the game before, but I had. Although writing has always been part of my working life, in some ways I'm more comfortable with numbers. Little did I know that Scrabble involves both - I wonder how long it will be before I play again.

My Scrabble-playing friend lives in a neighbourhood filled with grand houses and rich architecture and although I took lots of shots I liked this one the best. Saturday was a day of glorious, wall-to-wall sunshine (we've had a few great days this week) but as often happens, some clouds decided to make an appearance. Nothing came of them and they passed on through to leave a night of starry skies but I like the menace of them in this shot, captured as they rolled on by.

I've lived here long enough to know that the Calvinism instilled by John Knox still has a hold in some parts of this land. I have no doubt that during all that magnificent sunshine someone was saying 'We'll pay for it!'. If so, let a few clouds be the price.

We went to see Song for Marion later on at The Dominion, that true picture house. Fabulous film - be prepared for tears and laughter in good, healthy doses.


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