Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Vaccine appointment booked!!!!!

I am so happy :-)

I woke up at 7.30am this morning and was listening to the podcast 'Out to lunch with Jay Rayner'. He was interviewing the psychoanalyst Philippa Perry over Zoom while they shared a home delivery lunch from Fortnum's.

Near the end of the interview he said something to the effect of (and forgive me for not going back and extracting the exact quote) "It's almost like we are sitting opposite each other in the restaurant." To which she replied "No, because I don't get the sense of you."

'The Sense'

That for me has been the most difficult part of lockdown for me. When you are up close to someone you can smell them, it's their pheromones, the shampoo they use, the fabric conditioner on their clothes.

I think it's harder to empathise with someone who is two meters away. Not only because maybe you can't hear them quite so well. You are no longer in their orbit.

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