A days work

Oh very busy day.
Trip to the local tip with loads of garden debris. Picked up paint on the way home and was ready to start by 11am.

I brushed all the fence down and cleared plants, ivy and bric a brac. The prep work is always the worse bit. I had just lifted the lid off the paint and poured some into my bucket when Indie came along and had a wee lick! Lid on quick and a wipe of his beard, I don't think he got much.
A very lovely and unexpected visit from PollenandSula. We had a great natter through the garden gates. 
Then an after noon of fence painting. Ruby came out to help and managed to escape the garden twice! Little madam!

Mr PB home after a nice ride in lots of mud with D and dogs walked. Nice dinner cooked, all cleared up and now time to relax.

A very busy but fab day

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