And down we go

My concussion physio was keen for me to ride Keith again for about 30 minutes.

I used tarseal as little as possible, instead using grass landscaping with gentle ups and downs, curbs, and bumpy edges with grass, weeds, and dirt beside country roads.

Here Keith's front wheel is about to drop into a scoped out depression at the top of a short slope of dirt that runs down to the road.

It's a large mound or berm of dirt that was built to block off a previous route into an intersection. Naughty 4-wheel drives have used it illegally and formed a rough track up and over.

It's short and steep-ish. I felt ready to tackle it and fair beamed from ear to ear as I found my confidence, timing, and coordination come together. After several repeats from either side it felt effortless.

I kept within my limits including time and returned home feeling really pleased.

Today's gratitude: For a bit of Keith the bike delight. :-)

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