
The entire household had their own plans for the day, and with a light drizzle at home, I hopped on the train to the Riviera. I haven’t been down to Tessin for more than 2 years, and never tried out the Gotthard Basis Tunnel. The tunnel is just for trains, 57km long, the train reached a speed of 200kmph, and the journey only 2hr10min.
I got off in Bellinzona, to explore the UNESCO world site, particularly 2 of the fabulous 3 castles. There’s lots of green open space at both castles, and you can walk on the walls and metal walkways even though the museum’s aren’t open.
Of course, I had to try a Gelato, from the amazing selection, on the way back to the railway station.
5km lots of up and down exploring the castles.

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