The Future

I took a quick walk to my brother and sister in law's house via our path through the woods. I saw the stroller through the woods and knew that Nora was visiting. I had some secondhand, well loved stuffed animals for her, a chipmunk(she loves them) and a rabbit for Hunter. He actually was not there, he was further through the woods and up the hill, napping at his own house. I think the little old rabbit was Nora's favorite. I was masked and didn't go in, but we kicked the ball(which T and I think looks like the Corona Virus!), giggled and ran around together. It really helped my house worries. You know, we have not had family in the house for a long, long time, but we have masked workmen...

This is a day off from workers, the onslaught this week begins tomorrow. A company that only installs and maintains steam boilers will be here after 11. Wednesday, the chimney sweeps again, I think they have stopped dithering about how to proceed. If not we have found a back up company. On Thursday we are having some dripping faucets repaired by the plumbing portion of the company that has given us our first steam boiler cleaning or replacement estimate$. 

The Extra is my maternal line with all of us shown in our youthful days. GGGrandmother, Wealthy Ellen, GGrandmother, Lulu Ellen, Grandmother, Nora, Mother, Ellen and 22 year old me. My maternal grandmother share a middle name that comes down through my GGGrandmother's married name. It's also the middle name of one of my Grandfather's brother's on my mother's side too. My first name comes from my Scottish GGGrandmother and GGrandmother, both Betseys

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool.

All hands wary.

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