A spotted deer ...

..... ..... ..... lying on a hill paddock outside the Vets today.
It may be a chital deer. Does anyone know?

I took Missy to the Vets for a trial day, to see if she would fit in for a few days, while I go away with a photographic group. It didn’t occur to me that she wouldn’t, and she didn’t. I was stunned. They put the dogs in crates for rest times and for food. Makes sense. Missy used to use her crate really happily, but something put her off it when we came down here.

So if I want to get away, I’ve got to do some successful training first. She’s so confident & friendly & amenable with training, that it didn’t occur to me that we’d have this problem.

First day of the final racing in the America’s Cup coming up. Hope it goes well for them all.

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