Vaccine security

I worked a short shift from 9-1 today. This week is the last week of first doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine for our staff and other front line workers at our hospital.

We have been advised about vaccine security on the site. CCTV, plain clothed police people and antivax protestors! Not that we've had any trouble with the latter. The vials of vaccine are only released from pharmacy as needed and they are counted in and out (and signed for) from our temperature controlled fridge. Empty vials also have to be securely disposed of as there have been reports of criminals filling them with water and reselling them as full vials. We are taught to check each new vial for punctures. The vaccination cards have to be securely locked away after each day too, you know, the ones that say what vaccine you had, batch number and the date. Allegedly people have been selling these on the black market. Unbelievable.

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