
We’re watching Broad Church. 

Patience is not a virtue. When I was giving away my car I turned in the license plates, but I needed a note from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) before I could stop paying insurance for it. I knew there had been Covid at the DMV so I was patient, but as time went on and on I began to wonder if DeJoy, the postmaster, had messed up the mail and finally, two months later, I called in. The post office had lost the form, the DMV had to send me a new one, the family could have had the car at least a month earlier if I hadn’t waited. 

I’ve been waiting for a month for an update after my “meetings.” I was advised to squeak so I’ve been trying to do so politely. One of the people who “met” with me is also, I think, getting impatient so, with luck, perhaps there will be some positive movement soon. Let’s hope for news this week.

Lola moved into the neighborhood right before the pandemic when her owner moved into the neighborhood. Good thing the relationship is going well because what a test! Samuel hates Lola but I love Lola and Lola loves me. Supposedly she doesn’t do this for others but she cries for me, jumps on me, and tonight did a happy pee for me. Samuel and I are not monogamous, I can play with other dogs if I want to. This is with a fisheye for Wide Wednesday. 

Oh I forgot. We passed the American Rescue Act. 
- relief checks
- funding for vaccine distribution
- money to help schools reopen and maybe help students catch up
- for one year it will cut child poverty in half (this boggles my mind)
- extended unemployment assistance
- help for renters and home owners
- increased health insurance subsidies
- money to help cities and states, and they can choose to use some of that money to house the homeless, and they won’t have to lay off tons of employees
- it will help metropolitan transportation systems survive

Instead of trickle down it is trickle up. 

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