Coming in for a feed

It was very cold today. We wanted to stay by the fire but we had to go out to see Dee. During the cold weather she needs more special food. She was happy to come in to eat and we were able to brush her. Then we were happy to go home to sit by the fire!

Roedd hi'n oer iawn heddiw. Ro'n ni eisiau aros ger y tân ond roedd rhaid i ni fynd allan i weld Dee. Yn ystod y tywydd oer mae hi angen mwy o fwyd arbennig. Roedd hi'n hapus i ddod i mewn i fwyta a ro'n ni'n gallu ei brwsio hi. Yna ro'n ni'n hapus i fynd adre ag eistedd ger y tân!

History - An unusual establishment - 2010-06-12

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