
Looking at this blip you wouldn't think we'd been out for a lovely walk in the woods and around Holcombe Moor, would you? You'd think there would be more interesting things to photograph. Not really...

The sky was so dull and white that it washed all the colour out of my photos, there was no sunshine and the woods are still pretty bare with nothing growing yet. So another weird macro shot it is. (I've absolutely no idea what it is, by the way.)

Still, lots of fun was had. H took his trusty backpack and his notebook so he could be a 'real explorer', taking notes of everything and drawing pictures (he's so sweet!). He collected at least a dozen sticks (which inevitable became swords/ guns/ magic wands) and for once he managed to not stand in any dog or fox poo (which is quite an achievement for my clumsy little man).

Off to google cottages to rent in Cornwall for the summer now. Any suggestions gratefully received!

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