With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Two boys and a dog

The ingredients to a great day as long as there is a bit of sunshine, some water, some dirt and plenty of food at frequent intervals.

The boys were marvelling at their great discovery at this moment. The springs have sprung on the new beach, much of the sand having shifted further along or out to sea. They found a false bottom where the fresh water bubbled up under the sand hiding the rocks underneath and gushing its way out just above sea level (Dougal checked it and said it tasted good, especially after left over lasagne). I caught up with J and B as they had their Sunday stroll before the big move next week. And we all caught a few rays of much needed sunshine.

Back home and all the boys are bathed, dried and smelling of roses (yes, all three!)

Thank you so much for all the lovely stars and faves for yesterday by the way and have a great week everyone.

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