
For the first time we are growing dwarf iris. Their own petals contain striking contrasts within them and, as the photo shows, they stand out against the primula.

The weather too provided contrasts from sunshine to hail. My drive to the vacant flat of friends to check on it varied from free flowing traffic to near standstill due to roadworks lasting for almost 15 minutes.

The news and social media drew unfavourable contrasts in policing styles in the UK between football supporters and women expressing grief and support for societal change to ensure women are and feel safer. And the UK approach to protest was then followed by pictures of Myanmar and how the people there are treated and shot at and killed.

And throughout the day memories and snowdrops for Dunblane. It was one of those moments where you recall where you were at the time as the shocking news seared itself on your consciousness. Like President Kennedy’s assassination; Lockerbie; the Twin Towers.

When news of Dunblane broke I was in one of the attic rooms of Dover House, the then Whitehall base for Ministers and cIvil servants of The Scottish Office. I was part of a bill team getting ready to support Ministers in Parliament the following day. It was very difficult to concentrate as the awful news kept getting worse. Hard to believe it was a quarter of a century ago.

The final contrast is the colour of our dog’s legs after a particularly muddy walk - see extra.

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