sewing seeds

its a weird feeling to feel alone in a world full of people, always running round and about you.
iv felt that a lot recently.
like i could go on rushing about and no one would notice or stop me.

but this morning, at church we were learning about how a small seed can grow into something big and useful and be used to make things happen and long as it is rooted in Christ.
now isnt that an encouragment.
unless its rooted in Christ, there is no point!

this is a runner bean seed and i look forward to seeing it grow!
i guess thats just how God feels about me too!
it also encouraged me to see that the biggest and tallest tree type in the world, has the tinniest seeds. so even small things can grow to be big and strong. think about all the people we come into contact with and how our smile or small word of friendship could lodge in their life and grow to be something bigger.

those are my thoughts today.

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