GSW (MM373)

I was very fortunate this morning to see this Greater Spotted Woodpecker on the peanut feeder as I was putting the breakfast things into the dishwasher.  Even more fortunate that he stayed there for ~15 minutes which gave me time to go upstairs, swap the lens on my camera, set up a bean bag on the open window frame and run through 360+ photos before he eventually flew off.  For the first time ever, I shot two short sections of video.  Despite having had the camera for over two years, I've never tried this previously with my 5D4.  Very impressed with the results too.   11.5Gb when I downloaded everything :-)

For my blip I have blurred the background and gone for a turned down Silver Efex preset with some vignetting as the background noise was becoming all too visible.   The colour original is in the extra.

Thanks to the Blackheath Blippers and to Beckett for this week's mono Monday hosting.

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