Today's Memories

By Pxas


*This photo was taken July 2015*

A very sad day today!  Our dearest friend passed away today.  She was battling with cancer the last 22 months.  Unfortunately, she lost it.  We are all so devastated!  She was only 50 years young.  Left 4 amazing children (15, 13, 11 and 10).  Her wonderful husband did everything he could to help.  He always held her hand until she let go.  I cannot even begin to tell you how special she was.  So positive.  Ready to help others.  

I am so sad!  I remember when she called me to tell me that she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Since I went through it myself and survived it, she wanted to know how I did it.  I tried to tell her that she's still young and they found the cancer at an early stage.  That today's treatments are much better than 10 years ago.  That she should not worry.  She should just take one day at a time.

Little did we all know, that her cancer would turn into this monster who took her life!

Her husband organized a fundraiser for a college fund for their 4 children (  I am at awe how beautifully her husband wrote about her!  He loved that girl to pieces!

We've made a donation because we know that they would do the same for us without hesitation.

Rest in peace my dear Janelle!

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