At last! (Day 2122)

First job of the day was in town, sorting out a problem with a WC cistern. It took way longer than it should have done, mainly because it had been so poorly fitted originally.
I collected pellets for the boiler and dropped them off at home before heading out to Sandwick to do a job the customer had suggested was a small, quick job which wouldn't take long. Looking at the job suggested that it is going to take at least a day, so it will have to wait until I can make time for it.
Home for lunch, then out with the woofers at Lyde. After dropping the dogs back home I headed for Stromness to deal with a water hammer issue, and the ubiquitous "while you are here" job.
I was finished in time to meet my beautiful wife at the yard and we got out a ride on George and Red. Great to be out, even better that the wind has finally stopped.

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