My happy day

Had an awesome day celebrating my happy born day.
Started with chocolate cupcakes for breakie and awesome pressies from Niall. Then did lunch with the girls and got spoilt rotten there too.
Dinner was at a wonderful little Italian restaurant with a yummy chocolate dessert to end the night

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 686 new cases, 2 fatalities and 680 recoveries today

India's daily coronavirus infections jumped by 28,903, the highest increase since Dec. 13 and taking the nationwide tally to 11.44 million.  Deaths swelled by 188, the highest figure in two months, to stand at 159,044.

Pregnant women vaccinated against Covid-19 could pass along protection to their babies, according to a new study in Israel.
Over 50pc of UAE's population have been vaccinated against Covid-19

(CNN)After virtually all of western Europe temporarily suspended the use of Oxfort-AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine, the continent's top medicines regulator struck out against safety concerns around the shot, saying there is "no indication" that it causes blood clots and that its lifesaving benefits outweigh the risk of any potential side effects.

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