Four seasons

I don’t normally meditate first thing in the morning, but I woke up so bleary that I tried it today. It’s been a challenge to set aside the frustrations about being in limbo in the UK. It’s encouraging that mindfulness can have a rapid impact as afterwards I did feel calmer towards the situation, and for a while the random thoughts that entered the head were kinder when they came. I am interested in the long-term potential of mindfulness but to date haven’t managed to embed it into daily life as I have done before for periods with yoga. This quote from Abraham Lincoln that I read today resonated: ‘discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.’

A word about hair. With services closed, mine is now a cross between a mop and a wig. I jabbed at it with some beard trimmers, hoping to reduce bulk. This wasn’t dissimilar to a haircut I actually paid for in Maputo.

The benefit of having four seasons in one day is that the light can be interesting, as St Matthew’s Church attests.

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