Going ......, Going ......, Gone !

Having talked about it for ages and debated whether to call in a tree surgeon, my husband decided he could fell this sycamore tree himself. As a retired aircraft engineer, he is neurotic about Health & Safety so I had no fears he would fall and/or do himself a mischief and he roped both the ladder and himself to the tree before starting!

It will have to be done in stages and he was able to lop off all the smaller branches today, leaving just the trunk to be dealt with later. My job was to chop up the branches and make neat piles of the wood, so that it can be disposed of more easily.

We don't like cutting down mature trees, but previous owners of the garden went a bit overboard in their tree planting and many have grown too large for the space available. This one shed its leaves all over our neighbour's garden, so she will be very pleased to see it gone:) Now where's that Radox?!!!

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