Burradoo Journal

By Burradoo

Another Stonehenge

We watched a fascinating BBC documentary (Stonehenge: the lost circle) which claimed that the bluestones at Stonehenge were quarried in Wales, and had had a previous existence there for some hundreds of years before they were moved to their present site. How did our distant forebears accomplish that extraordinary feat?
Fascinating as it was, it also reminded us of another, very different Stonehenge.
This Stonehenge is in outback Queensland. It has a pub, a primary school (7 students and 2 teachers at last count), a library and a community centre. The population is 44. The name comes, with dry Australian humour, from the ruins of a stone hut that was once used as an overnight stop by bullock team drivers.
On a camping trip in 2005 we bush camped at Stonehenge and watched the annual rodeo and camp draft.It was a highlight of the trip.

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