
By Orc2009

Raven on Marwick Head

I got the Octo bus to Marwick intending to walk over Marwick Head to Birsay palace. There was a bone-white glaucous gull there as well as lots of wigeon, lapwing, teal, redshank etc. I walked up the cliff-path and saw that the guillemots were back on the cliffs. They are the UK's commonest auk and always seem to turn up out of nowhere. I've come up with a theory- that they do not spend winter far out at sea (as the scientists think) but in tiny apartments in the cliff, cunningly hidden behind one-way glass tinted to look like rock. In their cosy fastness they watch TV (or 'the bauks') and knit bedsauks.
A Raven was atop the tower of the Kitchener Memorial like a king with about thirty courtier jackdaws rushing around him noisily. I hoped that he might come down to where I was,as has happened before. Soon enough, he swooped low over my head and landed on the cliff-edge about ten feet from me, cawing loudly. He stood for a few minutes allowing me to do his portrait, then flew off. More here.

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