A Strange Day

We've had a very strange, unreal day.

It started off fairly normally, for a lockdown day that is. We walked down to the shop as we needed to buy some bread, Sainsbury's having let us down in that department this week. We did one of our usual circuits, that's where the blip is from. We came back through the church graveyard where we saw a huge pile of earth next to a newly dug grave. There must be a burial scheduled this week. Sadly it made us think of the FIL as we had a call from his care home yesterday asking, not to worry, but did we have a preferred funeral director in mind, just to add to his care plan.

After lunch we submitted the census, for ourselves and also for the FIL which was straightforward as the house is now empty.

Then we had another call from the care home, saying his condition had deteriorated and it might be a good idea to make a visit. OK I said, when should we come? Today would be good was the reply. So we have been up to Birmingham this afternoon to see him. We didn't need to have Covid tests, but had to wear PPE and we weren't allowed to go in together. Mrsfb spent the allowed 20 minutes with him, and I saw him for just 5 minutes. He was in a deep sleep all the time, in fact that seems to be where he is now. He is not eating or drinking, or taking any medication. But he seemed comfortable and is just slowly slipping away I guess.

We are home now, just waiting for the inevitable news.

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