
By LurlineStill

Handsome young man

In the prime of his life I'd say.

Australian bush turkeys' have adjusted fairly well to us humans changing things up. This young bloke has probably started building a magnificent mound, hoping a gal will come along to complete it with him. The mound gets so hot mid centre, perfect place for egg incubation.
I know it's a he because of his yellow wattle, the gals don't have them and it seems as they age and prosper the male "collar" increases in size and brightness.
I have stared to say hello to some as they don't seem to get much respect from people (well not as pretty as some and can be a garden nuisance) bit still.....
Quite a dark photo as it was a dark day and rushed the shot as he was moving. Ground dwelling but sleep high in trees, it was dusk.

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