
By RogMull

A Mighty Blow for Freedom... (to be continued)..

This remarkable sculpture by the distinguished but challenging artist Michael Sandle, stands dramatically in the small garden of John Wheatley College. It is on what amounts to pretty well permanent loan from City of Glasgow Council.

Michael Sandle has been a Professor of Sculpture, is a member of the Royal Academy and has won many awards for his oft times challenging art, such as his Iraq Triptych, a drawing showing Tony and Cherie Blair naked, exhibited at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in 2007; a piece of art for which he won the Hugh Casson Drawing Prize.

This piece had been commissioned as a piece of outdoor public art, but it was decided by the City fathers that it could not go on display because the artist refused to change its name.

X - Rated Name

Do not read any further if you are of a nervous disposition, or simply dislike the use of swear words in art.

The piece is called " A Mighty Blow for Freedom - Fuck the Media."

Now I can think on many people who would have some sympathies with the title as well as the piece of art.... I have added an effect which I thought in keeping with the dramatic lines and nature of the piece.

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