Virtual Reality

Jaron Lanier - Virtual Reality

"The renowned "digital prophet" Jaron Lanier speaks to Channel 4 News about making money from the web, giving power back to the average user - and why we should take a break from social media." Channel 4 News website.

Take note of what Jaron says. He originally coined the term 'Virtual Reality' and now admits that they were wrong in terms of their anticipation of a free and open society powered by the internet. Things have gone terribly wrong; base human nature has taken over. The virtual world is now a 'Spy World' full of internet surveillance and commercial and government interests controlling our lives. A few powerful providers such as Facebook, Google, the Stock exchange systems, government agencies control the cybersphere.

As long as people realize this, there is no problem. If you do not - then it is Caveat Emptor. I will be buying his new book - you should as well - if you are reading this within a 'Blip community'. We must protect our community spaces.

At least the originators of the cyberworld can admit their mistakes. That is what makes them different - and why they are so creative in the first place.

I just wish more of them had read Machiavelli - and thought about what they were creating. Base human nature always dominates in the end.

Makes you think does'nt it?

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