Here we go again – Day 77

One year ago and Boris announced to the world that the UK would be going into lock down from the 23rd March 2020 for 3 weeks???!!! Did any of us ever think that one year on and we'd still be in the same situation???? My human certainly didn't?!!!

My human just thought.................. OMG it's going to be really tough staying 'home alone' for 3 weeks but to keep everyone safe we can do this.

Mmmmmmm........................ one year on and my human thinks she's got 'mental health issues'??!! Hasn't everyone?

Anyway here I am having a lovely off lead play on Leith Links this morning. We went down there to 'strava a helicopter' (see extras) and then I got to run and run and run.

This afternoon we walked over to see Ann's 'support bubble', Susi. She gave me a carrot. Yay!

A year ago the term 'support bubble' hadn't even been invented....................

…..................And now there's a third wave of Covid rampaging across Europe???


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