Pictorial blethers

By blethers


I was trying to think of how I'd describe today, and the one word that seemed to fit all that went on is what I've called this post. My day began with a second morning of rueing a shorter night's sleep that I would have liked - once again I found my eyes closing, put the light out, and then simply couldn't sleep. Was I too hot? Was the pillow getting it wrong? Blame the pillow. It may have to go.

Despite this, I survived a most energetic Pilates session - a slightly shorter class than usual, as our teacher had another appointment, but conducted at a remorseless pace and intensity that had me collapse over a coffee with more relief than usual. After that I revived sufficiently to do some work on my online student's efforts, and then had a surprisingly chatty session with my online banking assistance over how to deal with setting up an account during lockdown. 

In the afternoon we took advantage of the latest slight relaxation of lockdown rules to meet my bestie for a walk - though in fact Himself walked so far behind us that you might have mistaken him for an inept spook. This freed up the two of us women to have a really great blether as we bustled along, stopping only for me to take the photo above of some random daffodils growing among the dead leaves with the lovely golden grasses beyond on the loch shore. 

We talked at some length about the forthcoming ruling on our FM's possible intent to mislead Parliament - despite our political differences, we were in firm agreement as to what we instinctively felt had happened. The BBC fanfare on my phone brought us the Hamilton ruling just as we passed the NATO pier, so we did a little dance on the last bit of our walk.

So yes - a busy day on all fronts. And I did fit in my Italian lessons, though I see I've slipped in the ratings since teatime. 

Could do better ...

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