A Lifetime Poem (2015)

One year on,
and we learnt to;
to wash our hands patriotically, to
Keep our distance, to
Buy all the toilet rolls,
And grow your sourdough starter

To get Fit with Joe, to 
Bang those pots, and
give them a clap and a cheer,
and faulty PPE.
and just a 1% for the toil

To not wear masks, to
wear masks, to
stay at home, to
not go to work, to
go to Barnard Castle, to 
go to work.

To Flatten the sombrero, to
the next slide please, 
the daily briefings
three word slogans,
and flags in the background.

To take yourself off mute, to 
home school.
To the next slide please, to
To have a great Christmas, to 
Not have a great Christmas.

To the second wave, to
Lockdown, 1,2 ,3.. to
getting a jab, to
it being too late,
for 126, 000 or more souls

To 126, 000 or more souls
enough to fill the Albert Hall,
for 24 nights,
Each one a story,
Never to be fully told.

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