The Chair

Not the Dentist’s chair, that was the next one in line for me. It was a crack of dawn dental visit this morning and there was great relief to escape without any mishap save being a bit lighter of pocket for the inspection. Lest you feel I got off scot free, let me tell you that I have signed up for two replacement crowns in October for which I might have to take out a mortgage. Such is life!

Returning home with a shed load of vegetables, I made a huge pan of vegetable stew and another pan of vegetable soup. The freezer is full now and that should be my 5 a day for a while.

I had a message from Daughter #1 this morning to say that the Sculpture Placement Group in Glasgow is hoping to restore the Floating Head sculpted by her late husband. It was a large feature on the Clyde at the Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988 and they are hoping to bring it back to the same position in the Prince’s Dock for a new audience to see later this year.

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