Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

after the rains....

Busy day - got notice on Friday that our bank cards had to be changed and the deadline is 25th March!  So, I trotted off to the bank - sorry the machine is broken after queuing for an hour!  There are 2 other branches you can go to.  I had a zoom  meeting so rushed home.  After the meeting I headed out to another branch...long queue - stood for another hour and it didn't move - reckoned I would not get in before they closed the doors, so I went home.

Got home, went outside to try and find a blip and there was a tremendous noise - it was rain heading my way - I ran and just managed to get back indoors before I got soaked.  It was an incredible storm - lots of wind, thunder and lightning!!  At least this flower stayed on its stem!! 

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