
Phew - one long day today!
Started with a team meeting at 9,30 then into a Lausanne discussion meeting I was hosting at 11, then Mick's memorial post school run at 3,30. A special time with loads of people coming to pay their respects and share stories. A lot of tearful people...especially from a few who are certain they'll be the next ones dying. I think as much as it was an afternoon to celebrate Mick, it was a time of reflection for some 'what's going on in my life?!' A huge privilege to pray with those who wanted, a huge privilege to listen and share stories. 4 journalists turned up to come and take photos and talk to people. There was food and drink and a lot of nattering. One of the guys requested this track for during the reflection time - a favourite of Mick's. 
In amongst all of this we heard that one of the guys Danny knew from prison has been called back (from the UK) in to serve a sentence that he'd thought was scrapped. He leaves behind a partner and a 9 month old daughter. Prosecution are pushing for a craaaaazy long sentence. So much sadness.
We've just come off a Zoom with Dr Henry Cloud looking at how we respond to the mental health crisis that is happening because of Covid. What a guy...
And now, at 11pm, we can switch off!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Jud looking after the kids for us this afternoon so we could focus on our friends and the memorial.
2) People's honesty and vulnerability this afternoon. 
3) Getting through today - it felt too big at the start...but here we are at the end and it was ok. 

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