A day of reflecting

It seems impossible that we are remembering the first lockdown a year ago today. So much sadness and pain for so many and lives changed for everyone. In three days time it will be a year since our friend died of COVID and that truly impacted me so much. I have been shielding for over a year now - no seeing friends, no meals out or grabbing a coffee, no church in person( all still on line for our church), no strolling down the high street or along the prom. We do go out - every day - but always to empty places. I feel so blessed to live where we do as it is moderately easy always to find empty places. Today’s pic is part of Weymouth harbour. We parked there this afternoon for our thermos coffee and I nipped out of the car for 30 seconds to snap this, looking both ways to make sure I wasn’t near someone. I know I will struggle to be near people again as it’s been so long, but on the other hand I just can’t wait. I just feel so sad that so many people have lost their lives to such a dreadful virus.

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