Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


What a great day. I got up early to try and get the allotment shed roof fixed. Stripped off all the old felt and the roof wood was wet, so had to let it dry.

Off home to make up picnic lunches and off with the family to the Lammermuirs. The kids brought their bikes to they cycled about and we just walked behind at a slow pace chatting. They found some fords and had great fun cycling downhill into the water up the other side. Eco son went for a wee swim, it was freezing...brave laddie.

Eco daughter had a thing for puddles and was charging through them, why did she wear white.

Back for tea, and I went to allotment to felt the shed roof, just finished as it got dark, popped in Lucas to get some ice cream for the family to end a wonderful day.

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