Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

New discovery!

I have a reputation at work for being able to find stuff. Whiteboard pens, board rubbers, staplers, floppy wallets, sticky labels, batteries, projector remotes - you name it, I can find it. My greatest talent is definitely finding where the paper's stuck in the photocopier. 
I like to think of myself as that guy (gal?) in prison who can get you anything you want for the price of a packet of cigarettes, although my preferred method of payment is chocolate. Today, though, I amazed even myself when I discovered a whole, previously unknown room absolutely full of school supplies! I now know how those archaeologists must have felt when they opened Tutankhamen’s tomb and saw all the treasures inside (minus the curse, hopefully!).
My colleagues call me ‘Robin Hood’ but I should stress that I never actually steal anything, I just know who to go to. I like to think that people are so helpful because they like me but, in reality, I think they’ve just realised that giving me whatever I ask for is the quickest way to get rid of me!

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