
By memento

Hired back

After being retrenched and brought inside last November when the first snow fell, the Padre is back on his essential job of squirrel deterrence. Chives are always the first to poke their little green heads out and come to think of it, I’ve never seen any evidence of squirrels nibbling on chives but I won't tell him that.

Given that he has spent the winter looking at me from the shelf of my computer desk, I figured it was time to give the Padre a break. There will be many more plants to watch over in a few weeks. The 200 or so green babies I started from seed indoors, 3 weeks ago are bursting at the seams. So much so that I need to get more grow lights so I can "pot them on" as my idol, Monty Don says every Friday night when Gardeners World finally shows up here on cable.

And then, in the best news ever, we can schedule our Covid shots next week, more than a month earlier than previous notifications. Thank you President Biden.

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