I'm sure ....

.... there's a biscuit in there!

It was a good morning in the art class although I spent most of my time trying to draw my smallest grandson's feet and profile so that the image looked remotely like him instead of an alien! I finally achieved a near resemblance and was able to add skin tone where needed and fill in the sea - so it wasn't all sketching.

This afternoon's walk with the dogs was delightful as it was again dry but with just the freshest breeze so I didn't get too uncomfortable in hat, gloves and waterproof. I made a detour off the beaten track and both dogs had a great time exploring the mossy areas among the young Scots pine, undoubtedly finding lots of interesting smells of wee creatures hiding from them. This is Cara having been called back in and she knew that a biscuit would be her reward. She is just such a gentle dog and I felt this captured that characteristic well.

Back home I have been so inspired by other blippers getting on with their garden tidying that I made a start on mine and then spread two bucketfuls of home compost on the area newly tidied. Very satisfactory.

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