
By GiselaClaire


We were in the office later than usual today. As I opened the door to leave, the evening sun reflected the PCHR logo from the glass door onto the wall.

I am so proud of the organisation I work for. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights was founded in 1995. Its main objectives are to protect human rights and promote the rule of law in accordance with international standards, to create and develop democratic institutions and an active civil society, while promoting democratic culture within Palestinian society, and to support all efforts aimed at enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights with regard to self-determination and independence, in accordance with international law.

A tall order but, if anyone can do it, they can. The people who work in PCHR are warm and dedicated, and they carry out important, selfless work at personal risk. During the war in November, our fieldworkers worked tirelessly around the clock, travelling to the sites of attacks to investigate and document human rights violations as they occurred.

The legal team has since been building cases for the Israeli and international courts. Although the Israeli legal system seems to be hopelessly biased against Palestinian victims, our lawyers continue to takes cases in an effort to challenge the culture of impunity, little by little.

Some of the greatest people I have met in my life, I am lucky enough to call my colleagues.

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