HA! I Poo on the Heads of Dragons!

Dragons don't frighten this pigeon, they seem to be very docile dragons as I pass them often and they've never swooped down to attack me or Jonty.
We had a rather busy day today but it was fun. The 4 youngest (Eric, Ruby, Buddy and Hendrix) plus Lennon.
I have to say that Lennon is brilliant with the children, he kept them entertained while I was getting on with the Sunday dinner. I pared it down so it would not be so much work as usual anyway, no Yorkshires, limited vegetables (Peas, French Beans, Carrotts, Parsnip, Roast and Mash Potatoes), Lamb was a shoulder of Pork which just fell apart as I was cutting it, delicious. It was in the oven from 07:00 to 12:30 at 150 deg C only turned up to 220 for the 'crackling'.
Eric usually won't lie down when I get him to sleep so Johanna said he usually needs 10-15 minutes to get into a deep sleep before he goes down. He fell asleep on my shoulder and I continued for about 10 minutes and managed to put him down onto a large cushion. He slept for about 1.5 hours. See Extra.
Took Jonty for a walk when they'd all gone, quite cool and windy but there was a few minutes when the wind dropped to nothing and then quickly built up enough to move me so I had to move my feet to keep my balance, and then it was gone. Made me think the heavens were going to open up with a deluge but no, it stayed dry.

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