Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Folkestone – pt I

Jayne has told me that she would like to hang a photograph of the Folkestone Gormley on her sitting room wall, but that prints for sale are beyond her budget, so could I possibly photograph it for her. Well of course! I'll do anything within reason to oblige Jayne, but she's not to be under any misapprehension that my photographic skills might produce anything worth enlarging. We'll give it our best shot, that's all we can do, and Jayne is fine with that.

So today we swanned off to Folkestone only to discover that the sea was above the bottom step and the only way I could even see the Gormley without actually standing in seawater was to hang onto the handrail and lean out beyond the wall enclosing the stairs. Having steadied myself I was finally able to click the shutter, and at that very moment a smallish wave hit the back wall just right to slosh enough seawater to bathe a piglet onto my right hip.

I yelped up the stairs, making sure my camera was safe and howling with laughter. We might need to come back another day Jayne.

I rather like this, but whether or not it is what Jayne wants on her front room wall is another matter entirely, and also, whether or not it will enlarge well enough. It's 3858 x 4529 if that helps you to answer that question for me.

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