Prickend Pond, Chislehurst, Kent

Today I had the day off work nothing like a potential visit from a parent to get you moving!! On Sunday dad announced to me that he knew I had bags of rubbish in the front garden and it looked like a jungle and he was coming round at the end of the week to take said bags to rubbish tip and do gardening. 10 yeasrs ago I'd have been really pleased but with his health problems no-way is he doing chores for me.

So I've hacked the jungle down, made 3 trips to the tip with 23 bags. 6 or 7 were the ones in the front from long back and 2 from Sunday of and a large dead bush thing which wouldn't fit in a bag.

I've remembered exactly why I hate gardening but at least there wasn't any spiders and bugs around which was why I didn't do it in the first place or remove the other bags too many spiders!

I thought I'd try out the pond at night, probably I should have gone earlier but I wanted to catch the reflections of the High Street shops.

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