A journey through Zogland

By Zog


I didn't feel much like taking pics today. Sometimes photography is like that. That aside, it was a good day. Managed to solve a problem I was having with Inventor - brilliant program, but more bugs than a buggy thing. Couldn't get the silly prog to load a .BMP file for use as a decal. Finally had to edit the registry to fix it. Don't mind messing about with the registry on my 'puter, but don't like doing it at work incase THEY find out. You know THEY who are watching our every move. As if THEY cared! Also found Mr Bumble sitting in the same place as yesterday. I'm afraid it isn't a game HighlandCoo, or if it is, it's the long game and there are no winners.

So, today's blip is the front disk brake on my bike. I liked the curves and the patterns they made with the straight lines of the spokes. Taken at 1/4sec hand held at 3200, the grain wasn't as bad as I had feared, but I added more grain in Lightroom to give it a gritty feel. Hope you like it.


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