The 'Torenmolen', Gronsveld-Maastricht

'Torenmolen' = 'tower windmill'.  You can see what is meant by the term.  AW calls it 'weird' and I call it 'unusual'.  I met the owner and she said there are only four tower windmills in the whole country, and this is one of them.  Now curious as to where the other three are located.

Maastricht was quite a drive away but, mercy of mercies, there was absolutely no traffic going there.  Okay, middle of the day, but such a joy to be able to drive through without stopping.  It would have been nicer if the windmill had been facing the main road, and the sun, instead of the small path leading to the house, but we make do, don't we.

Aside from the long drive, finished 30 lectures of the MOOC (would like to finish it before my subscription ends on Thursday this week), and did some housework.  Was also in a rather negative mood today, again about past issues, but managed to figure them all out.  Even had a short talk with AW, who has had his own issues.  I like to talk about these things with him and persuade him to express himself because his ideas can be different to mine and all insights help.  In the end, the reasons I distrust myself have to do with all that gaslighting in the past and seeing myself as nothing but a huge failure, which is how those people saw me but also how they wanted me to be.  My brain sometimes returns to its old tracks because they are (too) familiar and, therefore, comfortable.  And yet, my gut has been right and all my adventures have been successful.  You've told me this, and I've told this to myself very often, but this is how a mentally damaged person thinks because it was pounded into his head for years and years and when you were forced into a mold and you actually grew into it, it is often difficult to step out of it and see yourself in a different way.  But, okay, we will be having a row of really sunny days, and I hope that that will up my mood sufficiently to get some things done.

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