Gifts of Grace

By grace


People really were not kidding when they said there are side effects to the Covid vaccine.

I'd been politely declining appointments for over a month, feeling that I couldn't afford the time I might need to recover.  Too busy to be voluntarily under the weather.  I'm so glad I erred on the side of caution.

Total wipeout for thirty six hours then it lifted as suddenly as it came.  I am in awe of the body's defence system.  Even more so of the phenomenal organisation and human effort that has gone into developing and delivering the vaccine.  At the VAX centre I felt I was swimming in a sea of care, that something like unity was injected into my arm.  Another mystical medical experience.

Later it seemed my body was not entirely in agreement with any of this.  Thirty six hours of R&R, mainly sleep, and I feel like a million dollars.  I don't think I'd cope well with actually having Covid if this was anything to go by.  Sobering.

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