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By nette

baby swans on Easter

Mom had brunch with us, later we went to brother-in-law's for dinner and to celebrate mother-in-law's birthday, too. Hope you all had a nice day, whatever you did or didn't celebrate :-)

the "dominant" pair on the lake where Mom lives was out with their 7 babies. (we haven't seen any babies yet from the other pair that I blipped on their nest in the reeds.) This is "Dad", both parents were digging around on the bottom in shallow water and then lifting stuff up for the babies to see and/or eat. Got many shots of the swans, but liked how interested these little ones were.

Mr. and I have been away camping the last 2 weekends in a row, and I'm still trying to get caught up on everything. will be doing a bunch of back-blips and hope to catch up everyone soon, but wanted to at least get today in.

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