Made it!

I had several other probably better photos today, but this one made the cut as it shows a. the whole family, b. the place and c. the fact that our 2 incredible kids not only tramped into the hut and overnighted, but they both walked out today in what was pretty trying conditions. Super effort guys!

We walked into Aspiring Hut yesterday in great conditions, warm, sunny, a great day for a walk. We knew that today was going to be a little wet, but at 3am this morning I figured that might be quite a lot wet ... We woke to grey heavy skies, in fact, it was pissing with rain, and windy and cold. A little different to the forecast "drizzle". With a number of river crossings to make, we decided to head away early and were on the track at 8am, in the rain.

After an hour we made it to half way point, with the kids going well and in good spirits. A quick refuelling stop and we were on our way again, pretty wet by this stage. Inevitably Hannah started to find things challenging; not surprising when you are 4 years old and being asked to walk in the rain and wind pretty quickly. Despite some grizzling the little trooper kept going and we made it to the end. Adam never missed a beat - he's a tramper for sure.

The verdict - a fantastic trip and the kids went superbly and loved it, despite the rain. A huge success!

Of course when we got back down the valley the rain had stopped, and by the time we got back to the house (and the spa pool) it was sunny.

Early dinner and off to bed ;-)

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